Alphabetical Index of Books
International Design Library | European Designs
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English Crewel Designs Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries

English Crewel Designs Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries

by Frances Bradbury

ISBN 13: 9780880450157

$7.95 USD

Patterns filled with swirling stems, leaves, flowers and birds traditionally found in English textiles.

Faience Designs

Faience Designs

by Frances Bradbury

ISBN 13: 9780880450560

$7.95 USD

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Tin-enameling designs, including scrollwork, lace patterns, vases of flowers, Chinese motifs and other Baroque and Rococo decorations.

Folk Art Designs

Folk Art Designs

by Ramona Jablonski

ISBN 13: 9780916144333

$8.95 USD

From Polish Wycinanki, Swiss and German Scherenschnitte. Barnyard animals, peasants, houses and ornamental designs.

Illuminated Letter Designs

Illuminated Letter Designs

by Muriel Parker

ISBN 13: 9780880450829

$8.95 USD

The entire alphabet authentically illuminated in the historiated style—each letter is filled with miniature scenes and figures interwoven with artistry, wit and ingenuity. The period covers the two centuries just prior to the invention of the printing press, during which hand-drawn historiated letters reached the zenith of their creativity.

Medieval Floral Designs

Medieval Floral Designs

by Phoebe Ann Erb

ISBN 13: 9780880451482

$7.95 USD

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One of the great discoveries of the Middle Ages was the beauty of the naural world. Earlier, the life of warfare and danger had blunted appreciation of nature. Now, the enclosed garden represented more than a safe place away from strife.

Medieval Garden Design Book

by Ramona Jablonski

ISBN 13: 9780880450119

$7.95 USD

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Medieval artists’ illustrations of gardens, garden structures and bedding patterns with birds, animals, plants and people.

Medieval Tapestry Designs

Medieval Tapestry Designs

by Dolores Andrew

ISBN 13: 9780880451215

$7.95 USD

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Drawings of knights and courtiers, real and mythical animals, castles and parterres, flowers and trees, pennants and crests, as well as columns and border designs.

Polish Wycinanki Designs

Polish Wycinanki Designs

by Frances Drwal

ISBN 13: 9780880450584

$7.95 USD

The charming designs of Polish paper-cutters, including the leluja, woodland, gwiadzy, ribbon, medallion and symetrical patterns.

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